

Номын сан




Law on Court Article 10(1) stated the Judicial System of Mongolia follows the basic judicial system shall consist of the Supreme Court, /The court of cassation or review/, aimag and vapital city courts /the court of appeals/, soum or intersoum and district courts /courts of first instance/.

  • Soum, intersoum and district courts have jurisdiction only at first instance
  • Aimag courts, found in the aimag capitals, deals with appeals from the lower level courts.
  • The Supreme Court is the highest level of the Court which deals with any matters at first instance that are not specifically within the jurisdiction of the other courts and appeals from decisions of the aimag courts and the Capital City Court.

The courts, except the Supreme Court shall stablished to specialize in type of case such as criminal, civil and administrative matters.  Administrative Cases Courts Administrative Cases Courts deal with matters relating to public law but outside purely constitutional matters. Reviews were made by an independent body of all administrative acts affecting the citizenry, the main function of the Administrative Cases Court is to review the constitutionality of the entire range of administrative action, particularly where it encroaches on basis rights.

The Administrative Cases Court of Mongolia was established by the State Great Hural /parliament of Mongolia /in June 2004. They deal with the area of law concerned with disputes between the public authorities and individuals arising from the exercise of public authority, including citizens and legal persons. This is regulated by the Law on Administrative Procedure. Any disputes which arise from an administrative act and which may affect a person’s rights, may be challenged before these courts. All areas of public life are covered: police, school regulations, roads, and the civil service.